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Handling Custom Responses

The Cloud Scripting engine provides functionality to handle custom responses. This functionality is related to the action result codes that can be located within the Virtuozzo Application Platform Console Log Panel upon a corresponding action execution.

There are the following types of pop-up windows that emerge while custom responses are being handled:

  • info - information pop-up window


  • warning - warning pop-up window with a custom message


  • error - error pop-up window


  • success - successfull result window.
    When the action is executed with the expected result code, the success window is displayed.


A success type has an optional parameter email - custom email can be sent after successful JPS installation.

The info, error and warning pop-up windows emerge as a result of failed installation. The manifest installation is finished immediately, if any action returns the negative result code or code predefined in the responses block. Thus, the installation process is marked by the red cross like in the picture below.


The basic custom response message can be returned in one string via the return or script action as follows.

    type: update
    name: response handlers
      return: Warning!
      "type": "update",
      "name": "response handlers",
      "onInstall": {
        "return": "Warning!"

    type: update
    name: response handlers
      script: |
        return 'Warning!'
      "type": "update",
      "name": "response handlers",
      "onInstall": {
        "script": "return 'Warning!'"

In this case, the default response type is error and the response warning message is returned in a string.

It is possible to return a response with a predefined result type and with a custom message text via the return or script action.

The return action.


The email parameter is available only for the success response type. The email is delivered when an action is executed with the success response code.

The script action.

    type: update
    name: response handlers
      script: |
        return {"result": "warning", "message": "Warning!","email": "string"}
      "type": "update",
      "name": "response handlers",
      "onInstall": {
        "script": "return {\"result\": \"warning\", \"message\": \"Warning!\",\"email\": \"string\"}"

The message and email parameters support all the available placeholders. Thus, placeholders can be uploaded from any external source via the direct link or via the baseUrl.

When a response code with the success installation type is returned, two response objects impose one another. And the success text from the response object has higher priority than the success text from the main manifest block.


Here, the result code is with the success installation type, the message is 'Hello!!' will be displayed at Virtuozzo Application Platform dashboard, and the email message is 'success!!' will be sent.

    type: update
    name: response handlers
      script: |
        return {'result': 'success','message': 'Hello!!'}
    success: success!!
        "type": "update",
        "name": "response handlers",
        "onInstall": {
            "script": "return {'result': 'success','message': 'Hello!!'}"
        "success": "success!!"

Here, the result code is with the success installation type, the message is 'Hello!!', and the email message is 'Hello!!'.

    type: update
    name: response handlers
      script: |
        return {'result': 'success','message': 'Hello!!', 'email': 'Hello!!'}
    success: success!!
        "type": "update",
        "name": "response handlers",
        "onInstall": {
            "script": "return {'result': 'success','message': 'Hello!!', 'email': 'Hello!!'}"
        "success": "success!!"
The result message text can be localized according to the languages, available within the Virtuozzo Application Platform.
    type: warning
      en: Localized text
      es: Texto localizado
      "type": "warning",
      "message": {
        "en": "Localized text",
        "es": "Texto localizado"
If it is necessary to display the same response codes, you can add a response object where you define custom responses.


File creation error

The example below describes a creation of the same file twice and handling a response that is received as a result of such action execution. Consequently, the result code of this response will be defined as 4036. Thus, all the actions with 4036 result are displayed via error pop-up window with a custom response text.

    type: update
    name: Handling File Creation
      - createFile [cp]: /tmp/customDirectory
      - createFile [cp]: /tmp/customDirectory
        type: error
        message: file path already exists
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Handling File Creation",
      "onInstall": [
          "createFile [cp]": "/tmp/customDirectory"
          "createFile [cp]": "/tmp/customDirectory"
      "responses": {
        "4036": {
          "type": "error",
          "message": "file path already exists"


  • createFile - predefined within the Cloud Scripting action
  • responses - object (array) to describe custom responses
  • type - type of a pop-up window, emerging upon the response occurrence. The available values are: error, warning, info, success.

The additional functionality is provided to display action responses using return action.

    type: update
    name: Custom Response Handlers
      script: |
        return {result : 1000};
        type: warning
        message: Custom Warning message!
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Custom Response Handlers",
      "onInstall": {
        "script": "return {result : 1000};"
      "responses": {
        "1000": {
          "type": "warning",
          "message": "Custom Warning message!"


  • script - Cloud Scripting action for executing Javascript or Java code (Javascript is set by default)
  • 1000 - custom predefined result code for responses handling. It is returned from the script action in the onInstall block.

If the result code is delivered via string, then the default result code is 11039. Therefore, responses can be handled by the following outcoming string text.

    type: update
    name: Custom Response Handlers
      script: return 'error'
        type: info
        message: Custom Warning message!
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Custom Response Handlers",
        "onInstall": {
            "script": "return 'error'"
        "responses": {
            "error": {
                "type": "info",
                "message": "Custom Warning message!"

In all the other cases, when a custom response is not predefined within the responses block, the default pop-up window type is error with an output message.

The response objects that are returned from custom scripts and predefined in the response block are imposed one to another. Thus, the response object from custom scripts has higher priority than responses in the response object.


    type: update
    name: Custom Response Handlers
      script: |
        return {'result': '2308', 'message': 'Success from script with result 2308'}
        type: success
        message: Custom Success message!
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Custom Response Handlers",
      "onInstall": {
        "script": "return {'result': '2308', 'message': 'Success from script with result 2308'}"
      "responses": {
        "2308": {
          "type": "success",
          "message": "Custom Success message!"

The final success form is similar to the following one.


What's next?

v: 8.6.2