Thanks for your feedback!


Actions represent a scripted logic for executing a set of commands to automate the tasks. The system provides a default list of actions and possibility to script custom actions using API calls, Linux bash shell command, JS, and Java scripts. Any action, available to be performed by means of API (including custom scripts running), should be bound to some event and executed as a result of this event occurrence.

With the help of actions you can achieve automation of the tasks related to:

  • increasing or decreasing CPU or RAM amount

  • adjusting essential configs

  • restarting a service or a container

  • applying a database patch

The default workflow for any action execution is the following:

Thus, the following specific groups of actions are singled out:

Container Operations

There are actions that perform operations inside of a container. For a detailed guidance on how to set a target container, visit the Specifying Target Containers page.

Any container operation can be performed using a cmd action. Moreover, there are also some additional actions provided for your convenience. Thus, all the actions performed in confines of a container can be divided into three groups:


To process any container operation (except for cmd), the Cloud Scripting engine applies a default system user with restricted permissions.


The cmd action executes commands in synchronous and asynchronous modes. Within one container the cmd actions can be performed in synchronous mode only. Within one environment cmd actions can be performed asynchronously in case similar actions are required to be executed on different nodeGroups.


    cmd [nodeId,nodeType,nodeGroup]:
      - cmd1
      - cmd2
    sayYes: true
      "cmd [nodeId,nodeType,nodeGroup]": [
      "sayYes" : true


  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • cmd1 and cmd2 - set of commands that are executed. Their values are wrapped by the Cloud Scripting engine via echo cmd | base64 -d | su user where:
    • cmd - is equal to the Base64 encoded string: yes | (cmd1;cmd2). If your commands require the interactive input, by default, the Cloud Scripting engine always gives a positive answer, using yes utility.
    • user - default system user with restricted permissions
  • sayYes [optional] - parameter that enables or disables the usage of yes utility. The default value is 'true'.

The single SSH command can be passed in a string. For example, running a bash script from URL on all Tomcat 6 nodes asynchronously.

    cmd [tomcat6]: curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2
      "cmd [tomcat6]": "curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2"

The same action can be performed asynchronously on all nodes of specific nodeGroup or several ones provided as the list: [cp, bl].

    cmd [cp, bl]: curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2
      "cmd [cp, bl]": "curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2"

If necessary cmd action can be executed on all nodes of all available nodeGroups within one environment. Action will be performed asychronously as well.

    cmd [*]: curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2
      "cmd [*]": "curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2"

The default cmd parameter is commands. It can be useful to set a several commands in the same cmd action. For example:

    type: update
    name: Cmd commands
        - echo 'Hello ' >> /tmp/CmdResponse.txt
        - echo 'World ' >> /tmp/CmdResponse.txt
      nodeGroup: cp
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Cmd commands",
      "onInstall": {
        "cmd": [
          "echo 'Hello ' >> /tmp/CmdResponse.txt",
          "echo 'World!!!' >> /tmp/CmdResponse.txt"
        "nodeGroup": "cp"

While accessing a container via cmd, you receive all the required permissions and additionally can manage the main services with sudo commands of the following types (and others).

sudo /etc/init.d/jetty start  
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat restart  
sudo /etc/init.d/memcached status  
sudo /etc/init.d/mongod reload  
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx upgrade  
sudo /etc/init.d/httpd help                             


Setting SSH commands in an array.

    cmd [tomcat6]:
      - curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2
      "cmd [tomcat6]": [
        "curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s arg1 arg2"

Downloading and unzipping the WordPress plugin on all the compute nodes. Here, the commands array is executed through a single SSH command. The same can be performed with the help of the unpack method.

    cmd [cp]:
      - cd /var/www/webroot/ROOT/wp-content/plugins/
      - curl -fsSL \"\" -o
      - unzip
      "cmd [cp]": [
        "cd /var/www/webroot/ROOT/wp-content/plugins/",
        "curl -fsSL \"\" -o",

Using sudo to reload Nginx balancer.

    cmd [nginx]:
      - sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload
      "cmd [nginx]": [
        "sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload"


Executing actions available by means of Virtuozzo Application Platform Cloud API.

There are a number of parameters required by Virtuozzo Application Platform API that are defined automatically:

  • envName - environment domain name where the API method is executed

  • appid - unique environment identifier that can be passed to API instead of envName

  • session - unique session of a current user

Target containers, specified for the API methods execution can be passed by the nodes keywords. Therefore, API methods can be run on all nodes within a single nodeGroup (i.e. layer) or nodeType asynchronously or in other words in parallel. Also, API methods can be run on a particular node(s). In this case, the Node ID is required that is available either through the node placeholders, or a set of custom action parameters (${this}).
All of the nodes keywords and/or Node IDs can be passed as a list within one api action that allows to execute it asynchronously on all specified nodes. In case the action should be executed on all environment nodes you can use wildcards api[*].


Passing nodes keywords and Node IDs within api action make sure the api method can take them as input parameters.
Some api methods allow to control how to execute action within particular nodeGroup synchronously or asynchronously with help of isSequential parameter. In case isSequential: true the actions within nodeGroup executed on the nodes one by one according to their Node Ids(ascending).


Restarting all compute nodes in the environment.

    api [cp]: api.environment.control.RestartNodes
        "api [cp]" : "api.environment.control.RestartNodes"

  • api [cp] - target node group for the API method execution ([cp])
  • api.environment.control.RestartNodes - Virtuozzo Application Platform API method for restarting nodes by group

This method (api.environment.control.RestartNodes) can be simplified like shown in the next example.

    api [cp]: environment.control.RestartNodes
        "api [cp]" : "environment.control.RestartNodes"

Restarting all compute and load balancer nodes in the environment.

    api [cp, bl]: environment.control.RestartNodes
        "api [cp, bl]" : "environment.control.RestartNodes"

Restarting all compute and load balancer nodes and specific node from another layer (e.g. sqldb node) within one environment.

    api [cp, bl, ${nodes.sqldb[0].id}]: environment.control.RestartNodes
        "api [cp, bl, ${nodes.sqldb[0].id}]" : "environment.control.RestartNodes"

Synchronous action execution example within compute node layer using isSequential parameter.

    type: update
    name: Event Subscription Example
      isSequential: true
      api [cp]: env.control.RestartNodes
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Event Subscription Example",
      "onInstall": {
        "isSequential": true,
        "api [cp]": "env.control.RestartNodes"

Below, you can find one more approach to specify a target node group for the API method execution.

    api: api.environment.control.RestartNodes,
    nodeGroup: cp
        "api" : "api.environment.control.RestartNodes",
        "nodeGroup" : "cp"

There is an default parameter method for api action. This parameter is useful while setting few api method in one api action. For example:

    type: update
    name: API action
        - method: environment.file.Create
            nodeGroup: cp
            path: /tmp/exampleFile.txt
        - method: environment.control.RestartNodes
            nodeGroup: cp
        "type": "update",
        "name": "API action",
        "onInstall": {
            "api": [{
                "method": "environment.file.Create"
                "params": {
                    "nodeGroup": "cp",
                    "path": "/tmp/exampleFile.txt"
                "method": "environment.control.RestartNodes"
                "params": {
                    "nodeGroup": "cp"

In example above there are two api methods Create file and RestartNodes. Every method has their own set of parameters which they are required.

The same parameters for all methods in one action can be set once. For example:

    type: update
    name: API action
        - method: environment.file.Create
            path: /tmp/exampleFile.txt
        - method: environment.control.RestartNodes
      nodeGroup: cp
        "type": "update",
        "name": "API action",
        "onInstall": {
            "api": [{
                "method": "environment.file.Create"
                "params": {
                    "path": "/tmp/exampleFIle.txt"
            }, {
                "method": "environment.control.RestartNodes"
            "nodeGroup": "cp"
Therefore, no needs to duplicate the parameter nodeGroup in every method. It will applied for every method in api action.


Available for compute nodes (except for Docker containers)

      name: string
      context: string
      "deploy": [
          "archive": "URL",
          "name": "string",
          "context": "string"

  • archive - URL to the archive with a compressed application
  • name - application's name that will be displayed at the dashboard
  • context- desired context for the deployed app


Available for all nodes

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
        nodeType: string
        sourcePath: URL
        destPath: string
      "upload": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "sourcePath" : "URL",
          "destPath" : "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • sourcePath - URL to download an external file
  • destPath - container path where the uploaded file is to be saved


Available for all nodes

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
        nodeType: string
        sourcePath: URL
        destPath: string
      "unpack": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "sourcePath" : "URL",
          "destPath" : "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • sourcePath - URL to download an external archive
  • destPath - container path where the uploaded archive is to be unpacked


Available for all nodes

    createFile [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]: string 
      "createFile [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]": "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • string - container path where a file is to be created

There is an ability to create few files in the same target node in one createFile action. In this case parameter path is needed. For example:

    type: update
    name: Create File action
        - path: /tmp/firstFile
        - path: /tmp/secondFile
      nodeGroup: cp
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Create File action",
        "onInstall": {
            "createFile": [{
                "path": "/tmp/firstFile"
                "path": "/tmp/secondFile"
            "nodeGroup": "cp"

In the example above the parameter nodeGroup is the same for two createFile actions. A target nodes can be specified separately in every method:

    type: update
    name: Create File action
        - path: /tmp/firstFile
          nodeGroup: sqldb
        - path: /tmp/secondFile
          nodeGroup: cp
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Create File action",
        "onInstall": {
            "createFile": [{
                "path": "/tmp/firstFile",
                "nodeGroup": "sqldb"
                "path": "/tmp/secondFile",
                "nodeGroup": "cp"


Available for all nodes

    createDirectory [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]: string
      "createDirectory [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]": "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • string - container path where a directory is to be created

There is an ability to create few directories in the same target node in one createDirectory action. In this case parameter path is needed. For example:

    type: update
    name: Create Directory action
        - path: /tmp/firstDirectory
        - path: /tmp/secondDirectory
        nodeGroup: cp
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Create Directory action",
        "onInstall": {
            "createDirectory": [{
                "path": "/tmp/firstDirectory"
                "path": "/tmp/secondDirectory"
            "nodeGroup": "cp"

In the example above the parameter nodeGroup is the same for two createDirectory actions. Target nodes can be specified separately in every method:

    type: update
    name: Create Directory action
        - path: /tmp/firstDirectory
          nodeGroup: sqldb
        - path: /tmp/secondDirectory
          nodeGroup: sqldb
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Create Directory action",
        "onInstall": {
            "createDirectory": [{
                "path": "/tmp/firstDirectory",
                "nodeGroup": "sqldb"
                "path": "/tmp/secondDirectory",
                "nodeGroup": "cp"


Available for all nodes

      nodeId: number or string
      nodeGroup: string
      nodeType: string
      path: string
      body: string
      "writeFile": {
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "path" : "string",
          "body" : "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • path - container path where a file is to be written
  • body - content that is saved to a file


Available for all nodes

      nodeId: number or string
      nodeGroup: string
      nodeType: string
      path: string
      body: string
      "appendFile": {
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "path" : "string",
          "body" : "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • path - container path where a file is to be appended
  • body - content saved to a file


Available for all nodes

      nodeId: number or string
      nodeGroup: string
      nodeType: string
      path: string
        - pattern: string
          replacement: string
      "replaceInFile": {
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "path" : "string",
          "replacements" : [{
            "pattern" : "string",
            "replacement" : "string"


  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • path - path where a file is available
  • replacements - list of replacements within the node's configuration files
    • pattern - regular expressions to find a string (e.g. app\.host\.url\s=\s*.**)
    • replacement - you can use as a replacement any string value, including any combination of placeholders

Topology Nodes Management

The present section introduces actions that are provided for managing the topology.


      - nodeType: string
        nodeGroup: string
        extip: boolean
        fixedCloudlets: number
        flexibleCloudlets: number
        displayName: string
        dockerName: jelastic/wordpress-web:latest
        registryUrl: string
        registryUser: string
        registryPassword: string
        dockerTag: string
        dockerLinks: sourceNodeGroup:alias
        dockerEnvVars: object
        dockerVolumes: array
        dockerRunCmd: array
        dockerEntryPoint: object
      "addNodes": [
          "nodeType": "string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "extip": "boolean",      
          "fixedCloudlets": "number",
          "flexibleCloudlets": "number",
          "displayName": "string",
          "dockerName": "jelastic/wordpress-web:latest",
          "registryUrl": "string",
          "registryUser": "string",
          "registryPassword": "string",
          "dockerTag": "string",
          "dockerLinks": "sourceNodeGroup:alias",
          "dockerEnvVars": "object",
          "dockerVolumes": "array",
          "dockerRunCmd": "array",
          "dockerEntryPoint": "object"

  • nodeType [required] - parameter to specify software stacks. For Docker containers the nodeType value is docker.
  • nodeGroup [optional] - the defined node layer.
  • extip [optional] - attaching the external IP address to a container. The default value is 'false'.
  • fixedCloudlets [optional] - number of reserved cloudlets. The default value is '0'.
  • flexibleCloudlets [optional] - number of dynamic cloudlets. The default value is '1'.
  • displayName [optional] - node's display name (i.e. alias)
    The following parameters are required for Docker containers only:
  • dockerName [optional] - name and tag of Docker image
  • registryUrl [optional] - custom Docker registry
  • registryUser [optional] - Docker registry username
  • registryPassword [optional] - Docker registry password
  • dockerTag - Docker tag for installation
  • dockerLinks [optional] - Docker links
    • sourceNodeGroup - source node to be linked with another node
    • alias - prefix alias for linked variables
  • dockerEnvVars [optional] - Docker environment variables
  • dockerVolumes [optional] - Docker node volumes
  • dockerRunCmd [optional] - Docker run configs
  • dockerEntryPoint [optional] - Docker entry points


Available for all nodes

    setNodeDisplayName [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]: string
      "setNodeDisplayName [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]": "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • string - node’s display name (i.e. alias)

The action setNodeDisplayName has the default parameter called displayName. It is useful to set display name for few node layers in the same action. For example:

    type: update
    name: setNodeDisplayName example
        - displayName: Compute Nodes
          nodeGroup: cp
        - displayName: SQL Nodes
          nodeGroup: sqldb
      "type": "update",
      "name": "setNodeDisplayName example",
      "onInstall": {
        "setNodeDisplayName": [
            "displayName": "Compute Nodes",
            "nodeGroup": "cp"
            "displayName": "SQL Nodes",
            "nodeGroup": "sqldb"


Available for all nodes

The setNodeCount action allows to add or remove nodes that are grouped according to the same nodeGroup (layer). The node selector is available by nodeId, nodeGroup, or nodeType.

    setNodeCount [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]: number
      "setNodeCount [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]": "number"


  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • number - total number of nodes after the action is finished

The action setNodeCount has it own default parameter - count. It is useful to set node count for few node layers in one action. For example:

    type: update
    name: setNodeCount example
        - count: 3
          nodeGroup: cp
        - count: 5
          nodeGroup: sqldb
      "type": "update",
      "name": "setNodeCount example",
      "onInstall": {
        "setNodeCount": [
            "count": 3,
            "nodeGroup": "cp"
            "count": 5,
            "nodeGroup": "sqldb"
Therefore, when action execution will be finished three compute nodes and five sql nodes will be available in the same environment.


Available for all nodes

The setExtIpEnabled action allows to enable or disable the external IP address attachment to a particular node or nodeGroup.

    setExtIpEnabled [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]: true or false
      "setExtIpEnabled [nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType]": true or false

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • true or false - parameter that allows to attach or detach the external IP address

The action setExtIpEnabled has own default parameter enabled. It is useful in case to set external IP address status for few nodes in the same action. For example:

    type: update
    name: Set External IP Address
        - enabled: true
          nodeGroup: cp
        - enabled: false
          nodeGroup: sqldb
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Set External IP Address",
      "onInstall": {
        "setExtIpEnabled": [
            "enabled": true,
            "nodeGroup": "cp"
            "enabled": false,
            "nodeGroup": "sqldb"

Therefore, compute nodes will have an external ip address and sql nodes will be without ext IPs.


restartService is an alias. Will be restarted only main service in container which is related to separate template.

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
      "restartService": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)


restartNode is an alias. Available for all nodes (except for Elastic VPS)

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
        nodeType: string
        reboot: boolean
      "restartNodes": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "reboot": "boolean"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)
  • reboot - flag which determines in which way node should be restarted. Positive value means the whole container should be restarted (the similar action to restartContainer), the negative one value means only main service in current container will be restarted (the similar action to restartService).


The whole container will be restarted.

Available for all nodes

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
        nodeType: string
      "restartContainers": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution (at least one of these parameters is required)


Available for compute nodes (except for Docker containers)

      - name: string
        fileName: string
        type: string
      "addContext": [
          "name": "string",
          "fileName": "string",
          "type": "string"

  • name - context’s name
  • fileName - name of the file that is displayed at the dashboard
  • type - context type with the following possible values:
    • GIT
    • SVN

Database Operations

Within this section, you can find actions that are intended for managing database containers.


Available for SQL databases (except for Docker containers)

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
        nodeType: string
          user: string
          password: string
        newDatabaseName: string
          name: string
          password: string
      "prepareSqlDatabase": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "loginCredentials": {
            "user": "string",
            "password": "string"
          "newDatabaseName": "string",
          "newDatabaseUser": {
            "name": "string",
            "password": "string"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType [optional] - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution. By default, the nodeGroup value is equal to sqldb.
  • loginCredentials - root credentials from a new node
    • user - username
    • password - password
  • newDatabaseName - your custom database name
  • newDatabaseUser - new user with privileges granted for a new database instance
    • name - custom username that is set for a new database
    • password - custom password that is generated for a new database


The action is executed only for mysql5, mariadb, and mariadb10 containers.


Available for SQL databases (except for Docker container)

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
        nodeType: string
        databaseName: string
        user: string
        password: string
        dump: URL
      "restoreSqlDump": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "databaseName": "string",
          "user": "string",
          "password": "string",
          "dump": "URL"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType [optional] - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution. By default, the nodeGroup value is equal to sqldb.
  • databaseName - name of a database that is created
  • user - username in a database, on behalf of which an application is used
  • password - password in a database, on behalf of which an application is used
  • dump - URL to application's database dump


Available for SQL databases (except for Docker containers)

      - nodeId: number or string
        nodeGroup: string
        nodeType: string
        databaseName: string
        user: string
        password: string
        patch: string or URL
      "applySqlPatch": [
          "nodeId": "number or string",
          "nodeGroup": "string",
          "nodeType": "string",
          "databaseName": "string",
          "user": "string",
          "password": "string",
          "patch": "string or URL"

  • nodeId, nodeGroup, nodeType [optional] - parameters that determine target containers for the action execution. By default, the nodeGroup value is equal to sqldb.
  • databaseName - name of a database for a patch to be applied
  • user - username in a database, on behalf of which an application is used
  • password - password in a database, on behalf of which an application is used
  • patch - SQL query or a link to it. It is used only for SQL databases. Here, the placeholders support is available.


The action is executed only for mysql5, mariadb, and mariadb10 containers.

User-Defined Operations

The current section provides data on the user-defined actions.


A script is an ability to executing custom Java or Javascript codes. Therefore, this advantage helps to realize a custom logic.
executeScript is deprecated alias.
The simplest way to use Java or JavaScript object in your manifest in example below:

    type: update
    name: Execute scripts
      script: return 'Hello World!';
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Execute scripts",
      "onInstall": {
        "script": "return 'Hello World!';"

A custom scripts can be set via external links instead of a string.
The example execution result is a response type error with message "Hello World!". The default action script type is javascript.

There is an ability to define language type or pass custom parameters. In this case the script action should be describe like in example below:

    type: update
    name: Execute scripts
      script: return '${this.greetings}';
        greeting: Hello World!
      type: js
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Execute scripts",
      "script": {
        "script": "return '${this.greeting}';",
        "params": {
          "greeting": "Hello World!"
        "type": "js"

  • script - an object where are defined script code, optional parameters and language code type
  • type [optional] - script type with the following possible values (the default value is 'js'):
    • js (javascript) an alias
    • java
  • params [optional] - script parameters. Can be used in scripts like placeholder in example - ${this.greeting}

It is possible to execute script action asynchronously using node filtering. Thus this action can be performed in parallel on different nodes of the environment. For example:

nodeId filtering:

    type: update
    name: Execute scripts
      script [12345, 123456]: |
        return { result: 0, nodeId: nodeId };
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Execute scripts",
      "onInstall": {
        "script [12345, 123456]": "return { result: 0, nodeId: nodeId };"

nodeGroup filtering:

    type: update
    name: Execute scripts
    script [cp, bl]: |  
      return { result: 0, nodeGroup: nodeGroup };
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Execute scripts",
      "onInstall": {
        "script [cp, bl]": "return { result: 0, nodeGroup: nodeGroup };"

all nodes filtering:

    type: update
    name: Execute scripts
      script [*]: |
        return { result: 0, nodeId: nodeId };
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Execute scripts",
      "onInstall": {
        "script [*]": "return { result: 0, nodeId: nodeId };"

nodeGroup and nodeId filtering:

    type: update
    name: Execute scripts
    script [cp, 12345]: |  
      return { result: 0, nodeGroup: nodeGroup };
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Execute scripts",
      "onInstall": {
        "script [cp, 12345]": "return { result: 0, nodeGroup: nodeGroup };"

The script action provides an ability to execute Virtuozzo Application Platform API in custom scripts. Therefore, it is easy to manage Virtuozzo Application Platform environments by scripts.
There are ready-to-go solutions certified by Virtuozzo Application Platform team.


Learn more about using Virtuozzo Application Platform Cloud API.


There are two scope levels during manifest execution - global and local. Global scope consists of several parameters like: env, nodes, globals and targetNodes. This action is an ability to define variables within global scope. Suchwise, this is an opportunity to set values in object ${globals.}*. For example:

    type: update
    name: setGlobals action
    - setGlobals:
        a: 1
        b: 2
    - assert: "'${globals.a}' === '1' && '${globals.b}' === '2'"
    - checkGlobals
        assert: "'${globals.a}' === '1' && '${globals.b}' === '2'"
        "type" : "update",
        "name" : "setGlobals action",
        "onInstall": [
                "setGlobals": {
                    "a": 1,
                    "b": 2
                "assert": "'${globals.a}' === '1' && '${globals.b}' === '2'"
        "actions" : {
            "checkGlobals" : {
                "assert": "'${globals.a}' === '1' && '${globals.b}' === '2'"

The result is on the screen below: setGlobals

First action setGlobals defines new global values - variables a and b. Then a new placeholders ${globals.a} and ${globals.b} are available in all next actions (custom actions are included too).


Global scope is created at the beginning of JPS installation and it is available within current manifest only.


An ability to set local scope variables. Suchwise, new variables within ${this.}* scope could be defined. The example below shows a local scope borders within manifest and local variables usability:

    type: update
    name: Test action 'set'
    - set:
        a: 1
        b: 2
    - assert: "'${this.a}' === '1' && '${this.b}' === '2'"
    - checkLocalVars:
        c: 3
        d: 4
      - assert:
        - "'${this.a}' !== '1' && '${this.b}' !== '2'"
        - "'${this.c}' === '3' && '${this.d}' === '4'"
      - set:
          a: 1
          b: 2
      - assert: "'${this.a}' === '1' && '${this.b}' === '2'"A
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Test action 'set'",
      "onInstall": [
          "set": {
            "a": 1,
            "b": 2
          "assert": "'${this.a}' === '1' && '${this.b}' === '2'"
          "checkLocalVars": {
            "c": 3,
            "d": 4
      "actions": {
        "checkLocalVars": [
            "assert": [
              "'${this.a}' !== '1' && '${this.b}' !== '2'",
              "'${this.c}' === '3' && '${this.d}' === '4'"
            "set": {
              "a": 1,
              "b": 2
            "assert": "'${this.a}' === '1' && '${this.b}' === '2'"

So from the screen results, it could understandable that local scope creates each time during a processing an event or while call custom actions. While execution custom action a local scope can consists of arguments if they pass with action. So these arguments will be in a custom action local scope.


Is an ability to check two any values and verify results in console log. One of the useful case is checking response fields from previous action with expected values. Responses parameters can be compared with other parameters or with any hardcoded values. For example:

    type: update
    name: Assert action
    - cmd [cp]: echo test
    - assert:
      - "'${response.responses.out}' == 'test'"
      - "'${response.responses[0].out}' == 'test'"
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Assert action",
      "onInstall": [
          "cmd [cp]": "echo test"
          "assert": [
            "'${response.responses.out}' == 'test'",
            "'${response.responses[0].out}' == 'test'",
In the example above the cmd action the first one. Here, echo command is executed with world test. The second action assert compares response output result form the first command and the word test. The result can be check in console log panel like in example screen: assert

An assert action can be defined as an array of strings or in simple one line(string):

    assert: "'${response.responses.out}' == 'test'"
      "assert": "'${response.responses.out}' == 'test'"

or as object like in cases below (in this case assert can be an array of string too):

    message: test myvar
    assert: "${this.myvar} === true"
      "message": "test myvar",
      "assert": "${this.myvar} === true"

or an array of objects:

    - condition: "${this.myvar} === true"
      message: test myvar
    - condition: true != false
      message: test simple condition
      "assert": [
          "condition": "${this.myvar} === true",
          "message": "test myvar"
          "condition": "true != false",
          "message": "test simple condition"

Failed comparing value will be marked in red colored text: assert-failed

Also, there is an ability to set custom messages in console log instead default text ASSERT:

    type: update
    name: Assert action - custom message
    - cmd [cp]: echo hello
    - assert:
        condition: "'${response.responses.nodeid}' == '160008'"
        message: Custom Assert Message
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Assert action - custom message",
      "onInstall": [
          "cmd [cp]": "echo hello"
          "assert": {
            "condition": "'${response.responses.nodeid}' == '160008'",
            "message": "Custom Assert Message"


Response placeholders in assert action are being defined only from the previous one action. To check the result from the previous action, see the example:

      "type": "update",
      "name": "Assert action - script action assert",
      "onInstall": [
          "cmd [cp]": "echo test"
          "script": [
            "return {",
            "   result : 0,",
            "   test: '123'",
          "assert": [
            "'${response.test}' == '123'",
            "'${response.responses.out}' != 'test'"
    type: update
    name: Assert action - script action assert
    - cmd [cp]: echo test
    - script:
      - return {
      - "   result : 0,"
      - "   test: '123'"
      - "};"
    - assert:
      - "'${response.test}' == '123'"
      - "'${response.responses.out}' != 'test'"

Result screen: assert-only-prev-action.jpg


Setting a delay that is measured in milliseconds. The following example shows how to create a delay for one second.

    sleep: 1000
      "sleep": "1000"
The default optional parameter is milliseconds. Therefore, a sleep action can be set like in example before:
      milliseconds: 1000
      "sleep": {
        "milliseconds": "1000"


The install action allows to declare multiple installations within a single JPS manifest file in synchronous and asynchronous mode. The action is available for the install and update installation types, therefore, it can initiate installation of both new environments and add-ons.

The simplest record for install action is described like in example below:

    type: update
    name: Install action
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": ""
Therefore, the install action can be set by string.

Also there is an ability to set a few external manifests inside one install action in one array. Such a type of installation is performed asynchronously. For example:

    type: update
    name: Install action
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": [

The next example describes installing the add-on via the external link (with the update installation type) with additional parameters.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        jps: ""
          myparam: test
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": {
          "jps": "",
          "settings": {
            "myparam": "test"

You can install multiple add-ons via external links with additional parameters in both synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Synchronous installation. It can be used when the add-ons must be installed one by one since one add-on is dependant from another.

    type: update
    name: Install action
      - install:
            myparam: test1
      - install:
            myparam: test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": [
          "install": {
            "jps": "",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test1"
          "install": {
            "jps": "",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test2"

Asynchronous installation inside one install action in one array. So both manifests will be installing in parallel with own custom parameters.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        - jps:
            myparam: test1
        - jps:
            myparam: test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": [
            "jps": "",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test1"
            "jps": "",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test2"


  • jps - URL to your custom JPS manifest
  • settings - user custom parameters

The nodeGroup filtering can be applied to the install action in order to carry out addon installation on different layers within one environment.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        log: Test Async Install By Node Group
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install[cp,bl]": {
          "jps": "",
          "log": "Test Async Install By Node Group"

Installing the add-on from the local manifest file.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        type: update
        name: test
          log: install test
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": {
          "type": "update",
          "name": "test",
          "onInstall": {
            "log": "install test"

You can install multiple add-ons from the local manifest in both synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Synchronous installation. It can be used when the add-ons must be installed one by one since one add-on is dependant from another.

    type: update
    name: Install action
      - install:
          type: update
          name: test1
            log: install test1
      - install:
          type: update
          name: test2
            log: install test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": [
          "install": {
            "type": "update",
            "name": "test1",
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test1"
          "install": {
            "type": "update",
            "name": "test2",
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test2"

Two addons asynchronous installation from the two local manifests inside one install action in one array. So both manifests will be installing in parallel.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        - type: update
          name: test1
            log: install test1
        - type: update
          name: test2
            log: install test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": [
          "install": {
            "type": "update",
            "name": "test1",
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test1"
          "install": {
            "type": "update",
            "name": "test2",
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test2"


  • onInstall - entry point for performed actions

Installing the environment via the external link (with the install installation type).

    type: update
    name: Install action
        envName: env-${fn.random}
          myparam: test
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": {
          "jps": "",
          "envName": "env-${fn.random}",
          "settings": {
            "myparam": "test"

Multiple environment installations are also possible via external links in both synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Synchronous installation. It can be used when the environments must be installed one by one since one environment is dependant from another.

    type: update
    name: Install action
      - install:
          envName: env1-${fn.random}
            myparam: test1
      - install:
          envName: env2-${fn.random}
            myparam: test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": [
          "install": {
            "jps": "",
            "envName": "env1-${fn.random}",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test1"
          "install": {
            "jps": "",
            "envName": "env2-${fn.random}",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test2"

Asynchronous installation inside one install action in one array. So both manifests will be installing in parallel.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        - jps:
          envName: env1-${fn.random}
            myparam: test1
        - jps:
          envName: env2-${fn.random}
            myparam: test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": [
            "jps": "",
            "envName": "env1-${fn.random}",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test1"
            "jps": "",
            "envName": "env2-${fn.random}",
            "settings": {
              "myparam": "test2"


  • jps - URL to your custom JPS manifest
  • envName - short domain name of a new environment
  • settings - user custom form

Installing the environment from the local manifest file.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        type: install
        region: dev
        envName: env-${fn.random}
        name: test
          nodeType: apache2
          cloudlets: 16
          log: install test
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": {
          "type": "install",
          "region": "dev",
          "envName": "env-${fn.random}",
          "name": "test",
          "nodes": {
            "nodeType": "apache2",
            "cloudlets": 16
          "onInstall": {
            "log": "install test"

You can install multiple environments from the local manifest in both synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Synchronous installation. It can be used when the environments must be installed one by one since one environments is dependant from another.

    type: update
    name: Install action
      - install:
            type: install
            region: dev1
            envName: env-${fn.random}
            name: test1
            nodeType: apache2
            cloudlets: 16
            log: install test1
      - install:
            type: install
            region: dev2
            envName: env-${fn.random}
            name: test2
            nodeType: nginx
            cloudlets: 16
            log: install test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": [
          "install": {
            "type": "install",
            "region": "dev1",
            "envName": "env-${fn.random}",
            "name": "test1",
            "nodes": {
              "nodeType": "apache2",
              "cloudlets": 16
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test1"
          "install": {
            "type": "install",
            "region": "dev2",
            "envName": "env-${fn.random}",
            "name": "test2",
            "nodes": {
              "nodeType": "nginx",
              "cloudlets": 16
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test2"

Asynchronous installation inside one install action in one array. So both manifests will be installing in parallel.

    type: update
    name: Install action
        - type: install
            region: dev1
            envName: env-${fn.random}
            name: test1
              nodeType: apache2
              cloudlets: 16
              log: install test1
        - type: install
            region: dev2
            envName: env-${fn.random}
            name: test2
              nodeType: nginx
              cloudlets: 16
              log: install test2
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Install action",
      "onInstall": {
        "install": [
            "type": "install",
            "region": "dev1",
            "envName": "env-${fn.random}",
            "name": "test1",
            "nodes": {
              "nodeType": "apache2",
              "cloudlets": 16
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test1"
            "type": "install",
            "region": "dev2",
            "envName": "env-${fn.random}",
            "name": "test2",
            "nodes": {
              "nodeType": "nginx",
              "cloudlets": 16
            "onInstall": {
              "log": "install test2"


  • region - hardware node's region
  • envName - short domain name of a new environment
  • name - JPS name
  • nodes - nodes description
  • onInstall - entry point for performed actions


You can install a custom add-on within another - parent manifest. By default, custom add-ons have the update installation type.

Thus, the custom add-on can be installed to the:

  • existing environment with the update installation type

  • new environment with the install installation type. In this case, add-ons (if there are several ones) are installed sequentially one by one right after a new environment creation.

The example below shows how to pass the add-on identifier to the installAddon action. This add-on's parameters are described in the addons section. As a result, the custom add-on with the firstAddon identifier initiates the creation of a new file in the tmp directory on the compute node layer.

    type: update
    name: Install Add-on example
        id: firstAddon
      - id: firstAddon
        name: firstAddon
          createFile [cp]: /tmp/exampleFile.txt
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Install Add-on example",
        "onInstall": {
            "installAddon": {
                "id": "firstAddon"
        "addons": [{
            "id": "firstAddon",
            "name": "firstAddon",
            "onInstall": {
                "createFile [cp]": "/tmp/exampleFile.txt"

  • id - identifier of a custom add-on

You can locate the installed add-ons within the Add-ons tab at the Virtuozzo Application Platform dashboard.


In the following example, the nodeGroup parameter is passed to the installAddon action, targeting the add-on at the balancer (bl) node group.

      id: firstAddon
      nodeGroup: bl
      "installAddon": {
        "id": "firstAddon",
        "nodeGroup": "bl"

The action installAddon has the default parameter called id.

For more details about the add-ons installation, visit the linked page.


The action allows to return any string or object of values. As a result, the response is displayed via the pop-up window. By default, the error pop-up window is used.


    type: update
    name: Return Action
      return: Hello World!
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Return Action",
        "onInstall": {
            "return": "Hello World!"

Through the example above, the pop-up window with the following text is returned.

The installation is not completed and the following installation window is displayed.


If the return action includes a string, then the response is displayed via the error pop-up window like in the screen-shot below.

    type: update
    name: Return Action
      return: |
        {"message": "${}", "type": "success"}
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Return Action",
        "onInstall": {
            "return": "{\"message\": \"${}\",\"type\": \"success\"}"

The result window also returns the compute node's unique identifier at Virtuozzo Application Platform.

If the action returns an object, a response code can be redefined. So the message or result code parameters are required in the return object. Herewith, a zero (0) result code is not passed to the response code.

Through the following example, a success message with a compute node identifier is displayed.

    type: update
    name: Return Action
        type: success
        message: Compute node unique identifier - ${}
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Return Action",
      "onInstall": {
        "return": {
          "type": "success",
          "message": "Compute node unique identifier - ${}"

For more details about Custom Response, visit the linked page.

All the other actions within the onInstall array are not executed after the return action.

    type: update
    name: Return Action
      - return:
          type: success
          message: Compute node unique identifier - ${}
      - restartNodes [cp]
        "type": "update",
        "name": "Return Action",
        "onInstall": [{
                "return": {
                    "type": "success",
                    "message": "Compute node unique identifier - ${}"
            "restartNodes [cp]"

Therefore, the restartNodes action is not run to restart a compute node.

Custom Actions

Particular actions can be run by means of calling actions with different parameters.

The example below shows how to create a new file (e.g. the example.txt file in the tmp directory) by running a createFile action on the compute node.

    type: update
    name: execution actions
      createFile [cp]: /tmp/example.txt
      "type": "update",
      "name": "execution actions",
      "onInstall": {
        "createFile [cp]": "/tmp/example.txt"

The next example illustrates how to create a new custom action (i.e. customAction) that can be called for several times.

    type: update
    name: execution actions
    onInstall: customAction
        createFile [cp]: /tmp/example.txt
        "type": "update",
        "name": "execution actions",
        "onInstall": "customAction",
        "actions": {
            "customAction": {
                "createFile [cp]": "/tmp/example.txt"

  • actions - object where custom actions can be predefined

Action Placeholders

In order to access any required data or parameters of allocated resources inside a manifest, a special set of placeholders should be used. The parameters, sent to a call method, are transformed into a separate kit of placeholders, which can be further used within the appropriate actions by means of ${this} namespace. Access to a node inside environment can be gained according to its type, as well as according to its role in the environment.

The example below illustrates how to pass the dynamic parameters for running in the action. Here, the name parameter is sent to customAction where the createFile action is executed.

    type: update
    name: $this in Custom Actions
        name: simpleTxtFile
        createFile [cp]: /tmp/${}.txt
        "type": "update",
        "name": "$this in Custom Actions",
        "onInstall": {
            "customAction": {
                "name": "simpleTxtFile"
        "actions": {
            "customAction": {
                "createFile [cp]": "/tmp/${}.txt"
Therefore, the same custom actions can be reused for several times with different parameters. Moreover, any action can be targeted at a specific node by ID, at a particular layer (nodeGroup) or nodeType. For more details about Node Selectors, visit the linked page.

Code Reuse

You can use the already-existing code to perform a new action.

For example, outputting Hello World! twice in the greeting.txt.

    type: update
    name: Actions Example
      - createFile [cp]: ${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt
      - greeting
      - greeting
        appendFile [cp]:
          - path: ${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt
            body: Hello World!
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Actions Example",
      "onInstall": [
          "createFile [cp]": "${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt"
      "actions": {
        "greeting": {
          "appendFile [cp]": [
              "path": "${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt",
              "body": "Hello World!"

Call Action with Parameters

The following example shows how to pass additional parameters to the custom action. The parameters should be passed as an object to the custom action.

    type: update
    name: execution actions
        fileName: example.txt
        createFile [cp]: /tmp/${this.fileName}.txt
        "type": "update",
        "name": "execution actions",
        "onInstall": {
            "customAction": {
                "fileName": "example.txt"
        "actions": {
            "customAction": {
                "createFile [cp]": "/tmp/${this.fileName}.txt"

  • fileName - additional parameter

Writing Hello World! and outputting the first and the second compute nodes IP addresses.

    type: update
    name: Action Example
      - createFile [cp]: ${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt
      - greeting
      - greeting
      - log:
          message: ${nodes.cp[0].address}
      - log:
          message: ${nodes.cp[1].address}
        appendFile [cp]:
          path: ${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt
          body: Hello World!
        appendFile [cp]:
          path: ${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt
          body: ${this.message}
      "type": "update",
      "name": "Action Example",
      "onInstall": [
          "createFile [cp]": "${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt"
          "log": {
            "message": "${nodes.cp[0].address}"
          "log": {
            "message": "${nodes.cp[1].address}"
      "actions": {
        "greeting": {
          "appendFile [cp]": {
            "path": "${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt",
            "body": "Hello World!"
        "log": {
          "appendFile [cp]": {
            "path": "${SERVER_WEBROOT}/greeting.txt",
            "body": "${this.message}"


Any triggered event execution can be stopped and action can be accompanied with message displayed at right top corner.
For example:

    type: install
    name: stopEvent Test
        type: checkbox
        name: restart
        caption: App Server Restart Allow
        default: true
      - nodeType: apache2
        nodeGroup: cp
        count: 1
        cloudlets: 4
      - nodeType: nginx
        nodeGroup: bl
        count: 1
        cloudlets: 4
      if ( ${settings.restart} == false ):
            type: warning
            message: Restart is prohibited. 
      "type": "install",
      "name": "stopEvent Test",
      "settings": {
        "fields": {
          "type": "checkbox",
          "name": "restart",
          "caption": "App Server Restart Allow",
          "default": true
      "nodes": [
          "nodeType": "apache2",
          "nodeGroup": "cp",
          "count": 1,
          "cloudlets": 4
          "nodeType": "nginx",
          "nodeGroup": "bl",
          "count": 1,
          "cloudlets": 4
      "onBeforeRestartNode[cp]": {
        "if ( ${settings.restart} == false )": {
          "stopEvent": {
            "type": "warning",
            "message": "Restart is prohibited."


  • type [string] - message type to be displayed:
    • error
    • warning
  • message [string] - text of the message

Once the stopEvent action is executed it outputs an error to the console. For example: stopEvent-console

What’s next?

v: 8.6.2